Friday, March 13, 2009


Okay now I have joined the 21st century by getting on Facebook. At first I was admonished by my children for even thinking about getting on Facebook, Mallory told me she would be totally embarrassed if I joined and then a short year later she was wondering why I wasn't on it. I guess enough of her friend's parents had joined that it became okay for her Pops.

What an interesting experience. After giving some info and joining you are infiltrated with requests to become your friend. Some of these requests come from current friends, some come from old friends, some come from very old friends, some come from friends of friends and some come from people who you don't have an inkling who they are. In a mere week I have 126 friends, imagine that.

All and all this social networking thing is pretty cool. I would suggest that if you are not on Facebook give it a try but becareful what you put on your or someone elses wall, everybody who is your friend can read it.

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